Call for Papers: Special Issue of Crítica


Call for Papers: Special Issue of
Crítica: Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía

The Categorial Structure of the World: A Metaphysical Debate

Guest Editors
Mirco Sambrotta (University of Granada)
Erwin Tegtmeier (University of Mannheim)


The current special issue of Crítica: Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía is about contemporary logical, scientific, and metaphysical disputes among substance, fact, and structure ontologies. Possible topics for submissions include among others: What is the question of ontology? Is the world a world of substances, facts or structures? Are ordinary objects substances, structures, or facts? Are substances more ontologically simple and independent than facts and structures? Is the division ‘substance-accident’ more fundamental than ‘fact-constituent’ and ‘structure-relation’? Is the Neo-Aristotelian ‘four-category ontology’ better than the ‘two-category ontology’ of Factualism and the one-category ontology of Structuralism? What in the world makes truths true: substances, facts, or structures? Do substances have more explanatory power in science than facts and structures? Crítica, Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía, is published by the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México).

Invited Contributors
Otávio Bueno (University of Miami)
Javier Cumpa (Complutense University of Madrid)
John Heil (Washington University in St Louis)

Deadline for submissions: December 1, 2018.

Instructions for Submission

Crítica publishes original, unpublished work both in English and in Spanish.

Papers will only be published when they have two favourable reports; if a paper obtains contradictory reports, it will be sent to a third referee. The review process is double blind, that is, both referee and author are unaware of each other's identity. Manuscripts must be sent electronically either in Word, rtf or LaTex format to Crítica’s e-mail address. Manuscripts should be double-spaced in a legible typeface (12 points) including notes and bibliography. All the pages should be numbered consecutively, and text heads and subheads clearly distinguished. Submissions must not exceed 10.000 words.


Authors must send two electronic versions of their manuscripts to the guest editor, Mirco

One should include the author’s name, title of contribution, e-mail address, postal address (including phone and fax numbers); and a second version should be prepared for blind refereeing, where all references to the author including acknowledgements and bibliographical details are omitted. Both versions must include the title, an abstract (100 words maximum) and a list of five keywords not mentioned in the title. Whenever possible the latter should also be sent in Spanish.



Actualizado Sep 19 de 2018
    Mar 12 de 2025
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